C-NAC (N-Acetylcarnosine eye-drops) to normalise cataract impairment - Minox Beard. Premium Minoxidil Products

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C-NAC (N-Acetylcarnosine eye-drops) to normalise cataract impairment

C-NAC is the original anti-cataract eye-drops, a unique carnosine eye-drop, effective in reducing, reversing and slowing the occurrence of senile cataract.

Key Benefits

Reduces the occurrence and the development of senile cataract.

Assist to lower the intraocular pressure associated with glaucoma.

Beneficial for contact lens disorders.

Helps those suffering from presbyopia.

Treat corneal disorders.

Combat eyestrain.

Ease computer vision syndrome.

End the discomfort of ocular inflammation.

Restore normal sight to those inflicted with blurred vision.

Alleviate dry eye syndrome.

Success in the fight against retinal diseases.

Treatment of vitreous opacities and lesions.

Improve the function of the aging eye.

What is C-NAC?

C-NAC uniquely contains N-acetylcarnosine which is pronounced: n-a-seat-till-carn-o-seen. This natural molecule is known as a di-peptide. A di-peptide are two aminoacids linked together.

Carnosine is found naturally in foods and in human cells and acts as a protector having both anti-oxidant and anti-glycation properties, however the levels of carnosine decline with age and there is a link between its declining level and the onset of certain aging disorders including forms of cataract.

C-NAC eye-drops have been specially produced to licensed cGMP pharmaceutical standards.

Why are C-NAC eye-drops used?

C-NAC contains a unique form of N-acetyl-carnosine which has been shown in animal and clinical trials to help reduce, slow and even reverse the occurrence of senile cataract.

How does C-NAC work in the eye?

As you can imagine this is a complex subject. Essentially, the prime ingredient in C-NAC is N-acetylcarnosine.

What is in C-NAC?

Each ml contains: Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose IP 3 mg, N-Acetyl-Carnosine 1% w/v, Glycerin IP Stabilized 10mg, Oxychloro complex 0005% w/v

What makes N-acetylcarnosine different from L-carnosine?

There are different forms of carnosine. The best known is called L-carnosine. As you may imagine, N-acetylcarnosine and L-carnosine are related, but they are different.

How and when do I use C-NAC eye-drops?

As is usual with most treatments, the earlier one starts the better the results that can be expected.

What about side effects and contraindications?

As with all products, there are potential side effects and contraindications, although very few to date have been reported with C-NAC.


Stinging is a very rare side effect with C-NAC because it is formulated to a Ph of 6.8. This Ph is normal for the average person.

Rarely there are some individuals (either because of medical condition or because of their particular diet), may have a more acidic or alkaline balance in their body. If out of kilter with the norm, this can provoke a stinging reaction.

This stinging is normally mild and can often dissipate with continued use, but naturally this reaction is very personal and if it is too uncomfortable then C-NAC use should be stopped. Naturally the effect can be lessened by applying cold water carefully to the eye, but this will also wash away the C-NAC drops too.

Contact lenses

If you wear contact lenses, the lenses should be removed first and the eyes carefully washed with cold water. This will help remove any lactic acid, which if left present in the eye may also cause a stinging reaction. Once the contact lenses are removed the C-NAC drops can be applied, try to wait at least 15-minutes before placing the contact lenses back into the eye as normal.


Although no serious contraindications have been noted to date, as is typical with all new products, C-NAC has not been tested alongside all eye medications. Therefore if you are applying other prescription eye-drop medications, we recommend that you are under the guidance of your ophthalmic physician if you mean to use C-NAC concurrently with your existing medication.

How do I store C-NAC?

Unopened bottles of C-NAC can be stored at room temperature providing they are kept dry and out of light. Note: We don’t use potent preservatives so C-NAC bottles are solid in color to prevent light from damaging the contents.

For more on the ingredients in C-NAC please see "what is in C-NAC?"

Unopened bottles have a shelf life of up to 2-years from the date of manufacture; please see your label for precise details.

Once a bottle is opened we recommend it is stored in the door of a fridge. Keep the product cool- but do not allow it to freeze. Frozen liquid could damage the product making it ineffective.

Once a bottle has been opened, even when it is stored in a fridge- we recommend that it is discarded within 4-weeks.